
AVA Revolutionizes Personal and Public Safety Using Artificial Intelligence

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by Angela Guess

A recent press release reports, “Today, and after more than two years of highly secretive development, Berlin-based start-up AVA opens to the public, announcing its artificial intelligence capable of calculating the statistical, current, and predictive safety and risk for any given location in real-time. Monitoring mass volumes of data from multiple sources, AVA detects incident categories such as crime, terrorism, fire, natural forces, industrial disasters, or health-related risk. ‘AVA is like meteorology for safety, laying the ground for new and world-changing solutions, unimaginable before. We deliver actionable information to monitor, manage, and improve the physical safety of individuals, things, buildings, organizations, locations, communities, and cities,’ notes Sascha Knopp, CEO and Co-Founder of AVA, describing the patent-pending innovation.”

The release continues, “AVA detects relevant events and incidents with unprecedented speed and accuracy, thanks to its deep learning algorithms. Partners and customers access the safety and risk scores using cloud-based operation center interfaces, dedicated mobile applications or the universal data API. That way, AVA can be integrated into all kind of solutions and systems, ranging from smart homes, connected cars, travel booking websites over underwriting processes at insurances to high-frequency trading platforms. A specific innovation is the adaptive scoring. That way, for example, a luxury car might warn its owner who is about to park in an area with increased risk of vandalism or theft for this specific car brand. But also individual users can leverage these capabilities by adding aspects such as gender, age, skin color, or orientation to their personal profiles. This makes data protection and privacy a centerpiece within the strategy of the company: AVA is one of the first big data companies, to fully comply with the world’s most strict EU (GDPR) regulations on data protection and privacy to be put in force mid-2018.”

Read more at PR Newswire.

Photo credit: AVA

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