
Making Your Business More Resilient with Cognitive Computing

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watby Angela Guess

Hugo Moreno recently wrote in Forbes, “Watson’s tremendous knowledge base is now being trained to answer complex questions and is able to present extensively researched scenarios and probabilities in fields such as oncology. The power of cognitive computing is its ability to illuminate what was previously invisible—patterns and insight from the unstructured data of sound, pictures and movement— allowing more-informed decisions about more-consequential matters. Many organizations are struggling to draw meaningful conclusions from the unstructured data they already have. Cognitive computing represents a giant leap forward in addressing this challenge. Its ability to process a vast amount of information, learn from that information and provide conclusions is far beyond that of any other technology available today.”

Moreno goes on, “The same cognitive capabilities that are expanding knowledge and redefining analytics can be deployed to make any enterprise more resilient. A recent Forbes Insights report, sponsored by IBM, ‘Resiliency in the Cognitive Era,’ examines this development. In the cognitive era the continuous availability of data, systems, applications and business processes is essential. It will increasingly be taken for granted that the service is ‘always on.’ Applying advanced analytics and automation to predict potential issues and enable systems to be corrected proactively will enable businesses to seize new opportunities and defend against disruption.”

Read more here.

Photo credit: Watson

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