by Angela Guess
A recent article out of the company reports, “OpsClarity, a provider of intelligent monitoring solutions for modern fast data and streaming applications, today announced that 92 percent of companies across retail, technology, banking, healthcare and life sciences are investing in real-time analysis technology for human and machine-generated data. In its survey and report, ‘The 2016 State of Fast Data & Streaming Applications,’ OpsClarity examined the current state of adoption and maturity of fast data and real-time stream processing technologies. ‘With new fast data technologies, companies can make real-time decisions about customer intentions and provide instant and highly personalized offers, rather than sending an offline offer in an email a week later,’ said Dhruv Jain, CEO and co-founder of OpsClarity. ‘It also allows companies to almost instantaneously detect fraud and intrusions, rather than waiting to collect all the data and processing it after it is too late’.”
The article continues, “The survey, fielded among software developers, architects and DevOps professionals from companies as diverse as technology, finance, consumer entertainment and public sectors, found that 92 percent plan on increasing their investment in streaming data applications in the next year, 79 percent plan to reduce or eliminate investment in batch processing and 44 percent cite lack of expertise on new data frameworks to analyze data pipeline failures. The survey also determined the most popular data sinks (HDFS, Cassandra and Elasticsearch), message brokers (Apache Kafka, Apache Flume and Rabbit MQ) and data processing technologies (Apache Spark, Map Reduce and Apache Storm).”
Photo credit: OpsClarity