by Angela Guess
According to a recent press release, “AtScale, the only company to provide enterprises with a universal semantic platform for BI on the Data Lake, announced today the general availability of AtScale Intelligence Platform 6.5. With this release, customers gain the ability to modernize their Big Data strategy faster by migrating their analytics workloads to any cloud (Amazon, Google, and/or Microsoft) and making any calculations work at unlimited scale on the Data Lake. ‘Migrating to Business Intelligence on the Data Lake is possible, but to do it right is hard,’ says Mark Stange-Tregear, VP of Analytics at Ebates. ‘Providing business reporting from the Data Lake requires painful, lengthy report migration, expensive ongoing infrastructure optimization and extensive multi-dimensional modeling exercises… or you can just use AtScale’.”
The release goes on, “AtScale 6.5 is the industry’s first and only platform to bring universal semantic layer capabilities that enable any Business Intelligence tool to work on the Data Lake. With this new release, enterprises experience faster time to value on any data, benefit from unparalleled cost savings when deploying their analytics to the Cloud, and deliver best-in-class end user experience with BI tools like Tableau, Microsoft Excel, IBM Cognos, Microsoft PowerBI and MicroStrategy… In this release, AtScale is introducing new functionality that allows enterprises to make BI work on the Data Lake in ways that they haven’t been able to do before: (1) Business Analytics Optimization: With AtScale 6.5, customers can make their existing BI reports and dashboards work on the Data Lake by using the company’s automated modelling capabilities. Most BI reports and dashboards rely on business logic that’s embedded in personal workbooks and that only access the Data Lake through relational data marts or one-off data extracts. These solutions were engineered before the Big Data Lake era.”
Read more at PR Newswire.
Photo credit: AtScale