
Cloud Computing and Business Strategy: How to Align for Maximum Impact

Today’s modern business landscape is fiercely competitive, and companies are wielding cloud computing as a strategic weapon to gain an edge. Cloud computing has revolutionized how businesses operate, offering on-demand access to a vast pool of IT resources – storage, servers, databases, networking, and software – all securely delivered over the internet. Imagine ditching expensive […]

Key Steps for Managing Scope 3 Data Efficiently

As the effects of climate change become increasingly clear, businesses today are facing unprecedented pressure to rein in their carbon footprints and to properly account for and disclose their environmental impact. The era of vague, voluntary corporate mission statements on climate-related goals to satisfy internal and external stakeholders’ demands is over. In their place have […]

Data Privacy Through Robust Data Governance: Strategies and Best Practices

Today, more than ever, people are concerned about data privacy. Reflecting this, countries all over the world have introduced privacy laws – GDPR and CCPA being the biggest examples. These laws govern how businesses should collect, manage, and maintain data. This has prompted businesses to reevaluate their data collection operations. But to keep data private and secure businesses […]

Driving Data Governance: The Role of Data Strategy and Data Literacy Programs

In today’s data-driven world, organizations face increasing pressure to manage and govern their data assets effectively. Data governance plays a crucial role in ensuring that data is managed responsibly, securely, and in accordance with regulatory requirements. One key component and driver of successful data governance is the implementation of a robust data strategy coupled with […]

How to Assess GenAI’s Impact on Your Business

Since the beginning of 2023, generative AI (GenAI) has quickly made a significant impact across an expanding range of industries and applications. In just over a year since its groundbreaking debut, there’s much to celebrate about GenAI – and even more to still uncover and understand. Today, 79% of employees report at least some exposure to AI, […]

Data Intelligence: The Key to Empowered People and Decisions

McKinsey analysts predict that enterprise employees will rely on data for almost every decision come 2025. If true, this development would mark a significant departure from the current business modus operandi. According to our research, only 25% of enterprise data professionals believe their organization’s decision-making process is data-backed or strategic.  How are these two concepts – the perception of data […]