
Largest US Center on Artificial Intelligence, Policy Comes to Georgetown

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A recent press release states, “A $55 million grant is creating the largest center in the United States focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and policy at Georgetown. The Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET), to be housed at Georgetown’s Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS), will combine world-class AI expertise and advanced computing with Georgetown’s extensive networks in security policy to bridge the widening gulf between technology and policy. Funded by the Open Philanthropy Project, it will deliver nonpartisan analysis and advice to the U.S. and international policy and the academic community on AI and other emerging technologies. ‘AI is an important topic that will have broad effects on security,’ says CSET founding director Jason Matheny. ‘It is a topic where the demand for policy analysis has grown much faster than the supply. Before CSET spreads out to other topics, we wanted to ensure we’re keeping pace with the needs of policymakers related to AI’.”

The release continues, “A key focus of CSET will be the ethical implications of the technological transformations in international security, and will thus draw upon Georgetown’s considerable resources in this area. The creation of CSET is particularly timely, with the signing of an Executive Order on Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence by President Trump on Feb. 11 that is designed to encourage AI development and regulation. ‘AI and other emerging technologies will deliver profound benefits to society but they will also introduce new risks,’ Matheny adds. ‘Technologists don’t always consider the details of policy, and policymakers don’t always consider the details of technology’.”


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