by Angela Guess
Bernard Marr recently wrote in Forbes, “Around 200 years ago the industrial revolution immutably remoulded society. Today another revolution is underway with potentially even further reaching consequences. Artificial Intelligence in industry, experts are predicting, will change everything about the way we produce, manufacture and deliver. Cognitive computing, machine learning, natural language processing – different terms have emerged as development of the technology has progressed in recent years. But they all encapsulated the idea that machines could one day be taught to learn how to adapt by themselves, rather than having to be spoon-fed every instruction for every eventuality. Now, according to many, that day has arrived.”
Marr continues, “However, as we’ve previously seen with the internet revolution, and the big data revolution, and all the other technological revolutions of recent times, there are obstacles to be overcome before we reach this technological utopia. As businesses scramble for their share of a $70 billion market, some will inevitably prosper and some will fail. Those that manage to succeed are likely to be those which can manage to see beyond the hype – and answer hard questions about how this technology can add real value and drive positive change.”
He goes on, “AI presents real dangers. Claims about robots taking over may or may not be pure science fiction – credible commentators seem to think it’s worthy of concern – but those aren’t the sort of dangers I’m talking about here! The concern that this technology will lead to widespread unemployment is also beyond the scope of this piece, but it does touch on the first point I want to make. Employees are often a business’s biggest expense, but does that mean it’s sensible to think of AI as primarily a means of cutting HR costs? I don’t think so. The fully autonomous, AI-powered, human-free industrial operation is still some way from becoming reality and human employees working alongside AI machines is likely to be the way of things for a while yet.”
Photo credit: The Wizard of Oz, MGM