by Angela Guess
According to a recent press release out of Secucloud, “The botnet is a popular tool with cyber-criminals as it enables them to distribute malicious software or bring websites down with DDoS attacks. Botnets comprise multiple infected systems and can be controlled remotely for malicious purposes. Smart devices within the internet of things (IoT) are increasingly becoming a target for online fraudsters. For example, a French website hosting firm was the victim of the biggest DDoS attack of all time at the end of September. The attack included security cameras as well as video recorders. The growing threat situation has also prompted Germany’s Federal Network Agency to enforce compliance with the new IT security regulations by increasing checks. Its goal is to verify whether telcos are really fulfilling requirements concerning information and protection. To help telcos implement these measures effectively, the German security specialist Secucloud is now providing an IoT Anti-Bot Package. This automatically detects suspicious bot activity and blocks it immediately, even for smart IoT devices.”
The release continues, “The goal of Germany’s new IT security law is to better support the police working to block criminal botnets. Since July 2015, telecommunication providers have been required to inform their customers of suspicious activity that could indicate malware attacks on their users’ systems. They must also suggest “appropriate, effective and accessible” technical means of detecting and ideally blocking these malicious attacks. With its IoT Anti-Bot Package, Secucloud enables telcos to meet the Federal Network Agency’s requirements and protect customers effectively from botnets. To achieve this, the company’s high-performance OEM Cloud Framework uses tools like IDS and IPS systems within its packet analyser module in the Intelligent Algorithm Based Steering Engine (IABS Engine) to detect and immediately block botnet activity.”
Read more at RealWire.
Photo credit: Secucloud