by Angela Guess
A new press release out of the company reports, “Software AG today shared its predictions for the Internet of Things (IoT) in 2017, derived from our expertise, customer insights, and market observations. Bart Schouw, Internet of Things Solutions Director at Software AG observed: ‘There is a lot of buzz around the Internet of Things and especially increased device-to-device communication. Much of this mobile, virtual and instantaneous connectivity is built on seamless integration, cloud computing and networks of data-gathering sensors—building new ‘Smart Things.’ And all of this is going to make our lives easier and more efficient’.”
The release goes on, “‘Smart Things’ have their own needs – drones need landing areas and docking stations for recharging, robots want their own elevators – and architects are realizing that buildings have to accommodate them. Whereas they do not yet fully understand the implications, once they do we will see substantial changes to the layouts of buildings. Architects will turn to hardware and software vendors to gain a better understanding. Form follows function becomes form follows digital functions.”
It continues, “Artificial Intelligence capabilities are moving fast and chat engines will not only answer requests, but will engage conversation in your language of choice, withstanding the Turing test for a minute or longer. Banks, retailers and other industries will use this to facilitate omni-channel as AI Chatbot engines become part of the interaction in every channel, driving and enhancing the customer experience. Support organizations will embrace Chatbots to solve simple service requests in a cost-effective way.”
Read more at Business Wire.
Photo credit: Software AG