
Using CDC to Power Real-time Analytics

Click here to learn more about author Joe DeBuzna. Snowflake is the first data warehouse and analytics service to be built for the cloud. Since Snowflake’s introduction in 2012, companies have flocked to it in order to minimize costs and simplify implementation and management of their data warehouse infrastructure. With Snowflake’s cloud-native architecture, organizations no […]

Four Methods of Change Data Capture

Click to learn more about author Joe deBuzna. As its name suggests, Change Data Capture (CDC) techniques are used to identify changes. CDC can be the basis to synchronize another system with the same incremental changes, or to store an audit trail of changes. The audit trail may subsequently be used for other uses e.g. to update a […]

A Glimpse into the Future of Modern Data Architectures with DataOps at its Core

Click to learn more about author Itamar Ankorion. Enterprises are building out modern Data Architectures to accommodate new analytic requirements, larger data volumes and take advantage of newer technologies such as cloud, data lakes and data streaming. These platforms make it possible to support digital transformation with modern analytics, delivering new services empowered by data […]