Click to learn more about author Deepak Gupta. It is always a challenging effort to anticipate the direction data privacy is going. There is an ever-growing need for companies to future-proof data privacy and safeguard sensitive information. With regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) impacting full force, companies now better protect sensitive data […]
How Can Machine Learning Affect Your Organizational Data Strategy?
One of biggest challenges facing enterprises today is Data Security and Data Privacy. The emergence of potent data technologies such as Big Data, Machine Learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT) in the Data Management landscape has now sparked a new interest in Data Governance. With so much multi-channel data flowing into an average […]
So, What is GDPR and Why Should Database Administrators Care?
Click to learn more about author Richard Macaskill. You’ve no doubt heard at least something about the GDPR, the EU’s new privacy and Data Management law with its greatly increased maximum fines for non-compliance and tighter definitions for acceptable use of personal information. If you’ve continued reading past paragraph one of any of the many articles, […]