While Data Science practitioners, aspirants, and enthusiasts often get caught up in the business benefits of Data Science, it is equally important to keep a close watch on the common pitfalls that need to be avoided to launch a successful Data Science project. By identifying and exploring why some initiatives fail, data scientists can learn […]
Iguazio and NetApp Accelerate Deployment of AI Applications
A recent press release states, “Iguazio, the data science platform for real-time machine learning applications, today announced a strategic partnership with NetApp that provides enterprises with a simple, end-to-end solution for developing, deploying and managing AI applications at scale and in real-time on top of the ONTAP AI framework. Despite the great promise of AI […]
3 Reasons Data Science Projects Fail
by Angela Guess Isaac Roseboom recently wrote in Dataconomy, “The rise of data science in the last decade has been driven by the ease of access to deep data and significant reductions in the costs associated with processing it. These days anyone with a credit card can now setup a cloud-based data warehouse and tracking […]
3 Ways to Avoid Disappointment with Data Science Projects
by Angela Guess Sergo Grigalashvili recently wrote in The Enterprisers Project, “You know the old saying: ‘lies, damned lies, and statistics.’ The same can be said about data science broadly. We can easily, by mistake or not, say or imply something using numbers that are not there in reality; predictive models can be good on […]