In its just-released report, Cool Vendors in In-Memory Computing Technology 2016, Gartner highlighted a handful of interesting and innovative solutions within the In-Memory Computing (IMC) space for enabling a range of real-time analytics scenarios. It gave a first-time look at IMC-enabled analytics products from Bottlenose, Striim, and Zoomdata that target use cases including event stream […]
Couchbase and Plexistor Demonstrate a Faster, more Durable NoSQL Database
by Angela Guess According to a new article out of the companies, “Plexistor and Couchbase released results of benchmarking the new Couchbase Server 4.5 as a cluster of containers leveraging Plexistor’s Software Defined Memory (SDM). The results showed that Plexistor’s SDM sped up the Couchbase Server 4.5 throughput and latency allowing Couchbase users to sustain […]
Oracle Launching Version 4.0 of Its NoSQL Database
by Angela Guess Joyce Wells reports in Database Trends and Applications, “Oracle is introducing a major new release of its NoSQL database – version of 4.0. First unveiled in 2011, the Oracle NoSQL Database is a key-value database that evolved from the company’s acquisition of BerkeleyDB Java Edition, a mature, high-performance embeddable database. While Oracle […]
When and Why to Choose a NoSQL Database
by Angela Guess Lisa Vaas recently wrote in Ars Technica, “Poke around the infrastructure of any startup website or mobile app these days, and you’re bound to find something other than a relational database doing much of the heavy lifting. Take, for example, the Boston-based startup Wanderu. This bus- and train-focused travel deal site launched […]
When to Consider a Cloud-Based NoSQL Database
by Angela Guess Darren Cibis recently wrote in DZone, “With the current move to cloud computing, the need to scale applications presents itself as a challenge for storing data. If you are using a traditional relational database you may find yourself working on a complex policy for distributing your database load across multiple database instances. […]
Reasons to Consider a NoSQL Solution for Internet of Things Data
by Angela Guess Jim Scott recently wrote in Smart Data Collective, “If you’re looking to take advantage of sensors, you will likely have to update your data store to handle the workload. Once you’re set up data-wise, get ready to monitor everything from weather and the environment to overseas factory floors and even fleets of […]
Introduction to: Triplestores
Triplestores are Database Management Systems (DBMS) for data modeled using RDF. Unlike Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), which store data in relations (or tables) and are queried using SQL, triplestores store RDF triples and are queried using SPARQL. A key feature of many triplestores is the ability to do inference. It is important to note […]