
A Brief History of Data Quality

The term “Data Quality” focuses primarily on the level of accuracy possessed by the data, but also includes other qualities such as accessibility and usefulness. Some data isn’t accurate at all, which, in turn, promotes bad decision-making. Some organizations promote fact-checking and Data Governance, and, as a consequence, make decisions that give them an advantage. […]

How to Become a Data Product Manager

Becoming a data product manager means taking responsibility for the development and management of data products. Broadly speaking, a data product is any software or algorithms that use data to accomplish a goal. The data product manager is a management position, and requires several years of experience within the data industry to be done well.  […]

Data Discovery 101

Data discovery deals with extracting useful information from data and presenting it in a visual format that is easily understood. The types of useful information discovered during the process range from finding patterns in human behavior to gaining insights about data glitches to answering highly specific business questions. Using data taken from a variety of […]

Data Governance Metrics: How to Measure Success

The use of Data Governance metrics as a measurement system promotes the efficient use and management of data.  Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) is normally the first step in monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of a Data Governance program. These indicators allow organizations to assess and adjust their Data Governance strategies. A measurement system allows […]

Why Is a Data-Driven Culture Important?

Many modern organizations are recognizing how important it is to develop a data-driven culture. A data-driven culture typically describes a workplace environment and involves making information readily available to staff.  The general idea in promoting a data-driven workplace culture is to increase profits by developing a business that functions in a streamlined, efficient, and friendly […]

Master Data vs. Reference Data

The terms “master data” and “reference data” can be confused fairly easily. Both provide data that changes only occasionally over time and provide data that is designed to be accurate and up to date.  Master data provides the accurate information needed for business transactions that are critical to the running of a business – the […]

Types of Data Integrity

Over time, different types of data integrity systems and methods for promoting data integrity have been developed. Data integrity emphasizes confirming the data remains unchanged and consistent over the data’s entire lifecycle. In essence, the data remains pure and uncorrupted. Security plays an important role in ensuring the data is not altered and maintains its […]

Fundamentals of Data Classification

The process of data classification can be broadly described as the organization of data into relevant categories, allowing it to be accessed and protected more efficiently. In the simplest terms, the data classification process ranks data based on its security needs and makes it easier to locate and retrieve data. Classification is especially useful to […]

Graph Databases: Benefits and Best Practices

Graph databases have improved significantly since the 1990s, with new developments and a better realization of best practices. Graph technology has become one of the most popular methods of performing big data research. Its focus on finding relationships and its flexibility make it ideal for a variety of research projects. An awareness of new developments […]

A Brief History of Data Ontology

It can be said that the history of data ontology starts with the development of ontology as a concept in Greece, back in the fourth century B.C.E. It was developed by Aristotle, the famous philosopher. Ontology is a branch of philosophy that is used to classify and explain “that which exists” or answer the question […]