
Intertrust Launches the Modulus Trusted Data Rights Management Platform

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A recent press release reports, “Intertrust Technologies Corporation, a world leader in trusted distributed computing technologies, today announced the launch of Intertrust Modulus platform, a security and rights management platform for cloud-based data sets that allows companies to build data-driven business models around their IoT and other data. The Modulus platform is unique in providing, (1) Fine-grained, secure digital policy and rights management for access control and governance across multiple cloud services and data types and format; (2) Programmable enterprise policy and privacy management with persistent data protection; (3) ‘Bring Your Own’ trusted analytics and native applications with Traveling Trusted Computation (where data stays in place, and analytics go to the data); (4) The ability to run on market leading cloud services or data centers.”

The release goes on, “Intertrust Modulus is a security and rights management layer that sits on top of cloud computing services to derive value from sensor and customer generated data. Using Modulus, companies can build data-driven businesses around their data, within their companies and with their partners and customers, with the comfort that risks are well managed. Modulus works with any cloud platform providing neutral interoperability between clouds and across enterprises. ‘For years, enterprises have sought to leverage cloud-based data sets to create value, only to be constrained by security concerns,’ said Talal G. Shamoon, Intertrust chief executive officer. ‘As cloud computing and IoT systems make more data available for monetization, security and data rights management have become critical to interoperability. Modulus provides the necessary link that solves this problem’.”

Read more at Intertrust.

Photo credit: Intertrust

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