
SlamData 4.0 Analytics supports other Programs

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InternationalPer PRNewswire, SlamData Inc., the company building the industry’s first comprehensive Business Intelligence solution for complex modern data, today announced the release of SlamData 4.0, which marks the debut of new connectors for modern data sources. SlamData 4.0 now supports MongoDB, Apache Spark on Hadoop, MarkLogic and Couchbase.

“SlamData’s mission has always been to completely solve the biggest problem facing enterprise BI — data chaos,” said Jeff Carr, SlamData’s CEO and cofounder.

“We proved that we could do analytics natively on any type of data without ETL, starting with MongoDB. Soon, we will cover all the most popular enterprise data sources to complete our mission to deliver BI across enterprise’s modern, polyglot data, including RDBMS, NoSQL Hadoop, and Streaming.”

What distinguishes SlamData from every other solution rests in its core innovation: Multi-dimensional Relational Algebra, a mathematical extension of relational algebra capable of performing advanced analytics on any data model as it exists. MRA is an industry breakthrough that provides the first fully general-purpose semantics for analytics on complex and heterogeneous data models found in Hadoop and NoSQL data stores. Combined with SlamData’s advanced analytics compiler, the technology is able to execute any type of analytics on any type of data, without data relocation or ETL.

Read more at PRNewswire.

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