
Graph Databases: Benefits and Best Practices

Graph databases have improved significantly since the 1990s, with new developments and a better realization of best practices. Graph technology has become one of the most popular methods of performing big data research. Its focus on finding relationships and its flexibility make it ideal for a variety of research projects. An awareness of new developments […]

Property Graphs vs. Knowledge Graphs

One of the greatest strengths of graph databases is their ability to treat “relationships” between the data as being as important as the data itself. They show a visual image of a graph in response to queries. Graph databases are designed to hold data without restricting it to a fixed, predetermined model. As a consequence, […]

What Is a Graph Database?

Graph databases refers to a category of  NoSQL databases that represent data whose relations are well represented as a set of nodes. These nodes have an undetermined number of connections and are evaluated through computer algorithms. Good graph database use cases include: Social relationships (nodes are people) Public transport links (nodes can be bus or […]

Deep Learning Demystified

The “deep” in deep learning refers to the number of hidden layers involved in the design. Deep learning is a way of training artificial intelligence (AI) to recognize specific data, such as speech or faces, and to make predictions based on previous experiences. Unlike machine learning, which organizes and sends data through predefined algorithms, deep […]