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The traditional approach to IT strategy has been network first, data security second. Prepare for this paradigm to shift in 2020, as we move even more definitively into an approach that requires security to take the front seat to connectivity, which flips the original design of the internet on its head.
The East Coast Polytechnic Institute explains why security no longer can be pinned on as an afterthought: “While there is no network that is immune to attacks, a stable and efficient network security system is essential to protecting client data. A good network security system helps business reduce the risk of falling victim of data theft and sabotage.”
While this is in itself a basic principle, many enterprises still have not gotten the message that security needs to be a primary strategic IT consideration. This error in judgment is why so many companies became victims of data breaches in 2019.
Part of what we will experience in the new year is a much deeper integration of two key areas: security and WAN technology. I’ve identified the following that will be affected by this change in the coming year:
- More seamless connectivity and security partnerships: Connectivity and security are already integrally connected, but in 2020, we’ll observe a much more seamless partnership between these two. One tangible way this will manifest in the enterprise is via the convergence of security teams and networking teams to create one entity. Prepare for people working in these areas to experience greater responsibilities and increased pressure.
The software-based networking enabled by SD-WAN technology will play an increased role in 2020 in this shift toward seamlessness, since it goes beyond simply connecting devices but also boosts data security and helps companies deliver on application requirements. SD-WAN improves functional agility across a widely distributed enterprise’s app ecosystem, keeping costs and complexity down in the delivery of new services and applications. As this occurs, analytics tools will take center stage, as will machine learning, thus freeing up time for combined connectivity-security teams to take care of business rather than get bogged down in data.
- Quicker Zero-Trust adoption: The Zero Trust Network Access Model (ZTNA) isn’t new but look for its enterprise adoption to accelerate in 2020 as VPN attacks continue to escalate. As 2019 came to a close, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security released multiple alerts about VPN-related vulnerabilities and targeted cyberattacks against VPN platforms. The Zero-Trust approach helps enterprises guard against VPN weaknesses by allowing only IT-approved users to access specific files and applications based on true business needs. ZTNA prevents apps from internet exposure and ensures a true “zero-attack” environment to keep legitimate users and the entire business safe.
The Zero-Trust approach has its roots in the concept of “never trust, always verify,” which helps prevent data breaches. By creating a microperimeter around an enterprise’s “protect surface,” only authorized users gain access to protected applications, information, and services. In an era of unprecedented data breaches this is the only way to create a truly secure environment. ZTNA’s zero-attack surface protects the enterprise from VPN security problems.
ZTNA is built around the principle that trust itself creates enterprise vulnerability. The VPN model of allowing any user into any part of the network and giving free reign to apps and services means that every user can not only access any data they please, but that any user can also compromise that data. There is rampant abuse of the trust-based model, with most data breaches occurring through abuse of privileged credentials. ZTNA removes trust from the equation completely – a necessary step that will become commonplace starting in 2020.
- Real digital transformation: The term “digital transformation” has become so ubiquitous that it has lost its meaning. A Google search for the term reveals 407 million results. But in the coming year, driven by the Internet of Things (IoT), digital transformation will finally evolve from a mere concept and marketing buzz into a reality that tangibly impacts enterprises.
A recent McKinsey study showed that nearly all business leaders surveyed (98%) indicated that “most companies within their industry include enterprise IoT initiatives in their strategic roadmaps.” Wider enterprise adoption of IoT means that we’ll see even more companies embracing the seamless security required to bring about a personalized customer experience (CX) when using connected devices and increased speed of connectivity.
So, buckle up to see real change in enterprise networking in 2020 as the industry evolves into a security-first approach, and we see increased integration of security and WAN technology. As connectivity and security join forces in a strategic partnership, the Zero-Trust approach becomes commonplace, and the escalation of IoT makes digital transformation real to the enterprise, organizations in every industry will have greater opportunities and enhanced peace of mind.