by Angela Guess
Ajeet Singh recently wrote in CMSwire, “Modern BI software poses a real threat to the continued existence of legacy BI vendors, but these legacy vendors continue to make the same promises of usability and ease of access to data that have been made for years. Before giving your legacy BI vendor another chance, ask if they can deliver on the four key capabilities of modern BI — preparing data for analysis without ETL, automatic and optimal organization of data in-memory, self-service report development and end-user report refinement. If the answer is no, it’s time to make the change that puts the power in the hands of your front-line business users.”
Singh continues, “BI professionals spend up to 90 percent of their time just building and maintaining ETL processes. Most business intelligence tools were designed decades ago for a much simpler data environment and haven’t kept up with the rapidly evolving enterprise data landscape… Instead of doing complex transformations and integrating data sources inside expensive, complicated ETL software, modern BI allows you to create links between data sources on-the-fly from within your BI environment. Business users can define their own key metrics, freeing up BI teams to focus on more strategic analytics and more complex data sources.”
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