
How Data Governance and Data Literacy Overlap

In today’s tech-driven world, with 120 zettabytes generated annually, most of us already use data – and lots of it. “Everyone who reads a paper or scrolls through the Internet is already acquainted with data,” said Wendy Lynch, founder of and Lynch Consulting, in a recent Elevating Enterprise Data Literacy webinar. “We depend on data, compare data, react to data, […]

How to Become a Business Intelligence Analyst

As with many buzzwords emerging from the intersection of business and technology, the phrase “business intelligence” (BI) is often misunderstood. In a nutshell, it refers to the skill and practice of extracting insights from data to realize new goals, strategies, trends, and values. A business intelligence analyst, working with a network of other knowledge workers (such […]

How to Become an Enterprise Architect

The role of enterprise architect ranked as Glassdoor’s best job in America in 2022 in terms of salary, job satisfaction, and available positions. Yet enterprise architecture is among the most routinely misunderstood professions in the corporate world, straddling the divide between the business and IT. What does an enterprise architect do every day, and what skills and […]

Data Governance Framework: 5 Key Elements

Like many roles and operations that have emerged in the digital age, Data Governance is often misunderstood. Some might confuse it with Data Management. Others might see it as an extension of IT. How can you communicate the role of Data Governance and ensure you implement it successfully? At DATAVERSITY’s Enterprise Data Governance Online event, data […]