
Data Retention Policies Must Evolve to Address Emerging Technologies and Data Growth

The emergence of new technologies, including AI, IoT, and blockchain, in addition to the widespread embrace of digital transformation, has driven a dramatic increase in data. The reliance on data analytics to drive data-driven decision-making also requires large volumes of data for meaningful insights. While AI and generative AI (GenAI) tools and systems contribute to […]

Mitigating Risks and Ensuring Data Integrity Through Legacy Modernization

Legacy systems are the backbone of many businesses, especially those in the industry for decades. These systems ensure a stable and reliable platform for conducting smooth business operations. However, decade-old legacy systems can also pose risks and challenges to data integrity that can affect an organization’s overall growth and success. In response to these challenges, […]

Ask a Data Ethicist: What Is Data Sovereignty?

Recently, my DATAVERSITY colleague Mark Horseman shared that he’d been getting a lot more questions about Indigenous data sovereignty. We both agreed it would make a great topic for this month’s column.  What is Indigenous data sovereignty, why does it matter, and how can we learn more about it?  To answer these questions, it helps […]

Enhancing Cloud Security in Response to Growing Digital Threats

Organizations increasingly rely on cloud services to improve operations and promote innovation. This spike in use has increased cyberattacks targeting cloud settings, emphasizing the necessity for strong cloud security. Recent incidents demonstrate the issue’s severity. In April, AT&T announced that a data breach impacted 51 million customers after a hacking forum exposed their personal information. Home Depot […]

Mind the Gap: Analytics Architecture Stuck in the 1990s

Welcome to the latest edition of Mind the Gap, a monthly column exploring practical approaches for improving data understanding and data utilization (and whatever else seems interesting enough to share). Last month, we explored the data chasm. This month, we’ll look at analytics architecture. From day one, data warehouses and their offspring – data marts, operational […]