
AI and Human Operators Combine to Train Robots

Click to learn more about author Samuel Bocetta. Ever since the first crude cinematic robot first arrived on the scene in the 1927 movie Metropolis, humans have been fixated on the fear that they would come to rue the day artificial intelligence (AI) was summoned into existence and that, eventually, the masters would become slaves […]

The Dangers of Data Illiteracy: Coronavirus and Data Distortions

Click to learn more about co-author John Ladley. Click to learn more about co-author Len Silverston. People are unconsciously incompetent at communicating with data. This applies to our personal and professional lives. This ignorance creates an ethical issue that is profoundly important to all business and societal communities. This inability to understand and communicate with […]

Building the Data-Driven Enterprise for a Resilient Future

Click to learn more about author Bas Kamphuis Confronted with the current state of the world, business leaders are reassessing and recalibrating how they can better prepare themselves to become more resilient across their supply chain, their financial and customer operations, and the protection of their employees. Early in 2020, many companies were already looking […]