
How Should a CDO Spend Their Time?

Unlike most C-Suite roles that have certain expectations, the chief data officer (CDO) role is still relatively new, which means it often needs to be defined by CDOs themselves. This can be both a good and bad thing: On one hand, you can carve your role and make it unique, but on the other hand, […]

Is Data the Achilles Heel of AI?

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Add this 21st-century irrefutable fact: The world can’t live without data. With its numbers, characters, facts, and statistics – the operations performed, stored, and analyzed – data has become an irreplaceable facet of daily life.  We use data to identify strengths and weaknesses. It helps […]

Why Embedded BI Is the Best Option for Analytics

When a business considers the implementation of an analytics solution, it may be focused on choosing the easiest, most flexible solution to encourage its users to make analytics part of the process and to incorporate it into everyday tasks to achieve better results. When a business offers embedded BI tools with integration APIs, it provides the […]

Democratizing Data to Promote Business Growth

Data democratization, the process of making information accessible to all employees and stakeholders regardless of their technical background, is critical to make data-driven decisions across an organization. However, democratizing data can be complex. Most organizations have a wide gap between business employees, leaders, and data creators due to silos, a lack of data literacy, and a […]

Data Strategy Without Data Literacy? Like Boarding the Titanic!

Data literacy is a hot topic with today’s data leaders, and many have put budget aside for data literacy training this year, for a good reason. Data literacy is about improving an organization’s or individual’s ability to make decisions using data. And although training goes some way to support this, it is by no means the silver bullet on its own. A true, all-encompassing data literacy […]

Augmented Analytics Tools Can Enable Data Democratization

What is business intelligence democratization? Put simply, BI democratization is the open access to business intelligence and augmented analytics tools to enable analysis and understanding of the data within the enterprise systems. The “democratization”  component relates to the “who.” Who gets access to the data? The simple answer is: everyone.  In an environment where intelligence and […]

Delay Is Deadly: Achieving Real-Time Analytics in the Age of Hyper-Competition

Today’s business landscape is more unpredictable than ever for IT leadership. Between the adoption of more sophisticated technologies and an ever-growing list of digital transformation initiatives, IT operations have become frustratingly complex. This is especially true when it comes to managing data flows and ensuring the precision of analytics insights. At a time when analytics […]