
Organizations Are Underutilizing Their Data – Here’s Why (and How to Fix It)

The mainstreaming of predictive analytics and generative AI has brought Data Management into focus. Artificial Intelligence both runs on and produces a vast amount of data that must be effectively managed, governed, and analyzed. However, a recent survey of 1,000 North American executives revealed that organizations aren’t quite up for the challenge. 

Many companies are not prepared to implement AI or other technologies into their existing IT infrastructure and workforce in a timely manner…

AI’s Massive Growth Puts Retail Data in the Spotlight

023 was an incredible year in the development of artificial intelligence (AI). With the massive adoption of technologies like ChatGPT, millions of people are now uncovering new ways to use AI to create content, including email, video animation, and even code.

Since its first debut to the public in 2022, generative AI has dominated headlines and conversations about its potential impact on nearly every aspect of business and life…

2024: When IT And AI Collide

Stressed to the limit and buried under busy work, IT teams were told to “do more with less” in 2023. That meant that despite more shadow IT, more security vulnerabilities, and more questions, these tech pros were equipped with the same resources or fewer. Now, as we look at a new year with new opportunities, […]

The Rise of RAG-Based LLMs in 2024

As we step into 2024, one trend stands out prominently on the horizon: the rise of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) models in the realm of large language models (LLMs). In the wake of challenges posed by hallucinations and training limitations, RAG-based LLMs are emerging as a promising solution that could reshape how enterprises handle data. The surge […]