
Facing a Big Data Blank Canvas: How CxOs Can Avoid Getting Lost in Data Modeling Concepts

The volume of data now available to businesses continues to grow exponentially. When looking to extract valuable insights into their business’s performance, C-level executives (CxOs) must navigate the big data blank canvas. This requires a strategic approach, in which CxOs should define business objectives, prioritize data quality, leverage technology, build a data-driven culture, collaborate with […]

Generative AI and Semantic Compliance

Only CPT and its peers know how many statements have been made based on results from generative AI. But there are loads of them. My background as a data modeler over many years makes me shiver a little bit, because what the friendly AI helpers help us produce is subjected to cognitive processes, where we, the readers, process […]

Should You Consider a Unified Data Model?

A unified data model allows businesses to make better-informed decisions. How? By providing organizations with a more comprehensive view of the data sources they’re using, which makes it easier to understand their customers’ experiences.  A singular, interrelated network that’s connected to one source of truth gives organizations a more efficient, accurate, and comprehensive analysis of […]

Modeling Modern Knowledge Graphs

In the buzzing world of data architectures, one term seems to unite some previously contending buzzy paradigms. That term is “knowledge graphs.”  In this post, we will dive into the scope of knowledge graphs, which is maturing as we speak. First, let us look back. “Knowledge graph” is not a new term; see for yourself […]