by Angela Guess
A recent press release reports, “Data as a Service (DaaS) is a cloud service leverage to ensure the availability of critical data in a convenient, cost-effective manner to businesses. DaaS model works on the principle of offloading the load and risks associated with Data Management to a third-party Cloud-based provider. DaaS enables users to access specified useful data on demand, regardless of any organization’s structural and geographical barriers. DaaS eliminates redundancy and streamlines operational costs by integrating critical data of business at a particular location, thus enabling multiple users to use and modify the data, through a single update point. The DaaS technology is used in business for applications including Customer Resource Management (CRM), e-commerce, supply chain management systems, customer intelligence and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).”
The release continues, “Data as a Service is emerging as fundamental technologies that upkeep web services and SOA (service-oriented architecture) mature. Increasing penetration of high speed Internet network infrastructure is enabling user to access data irrespective of its location, creating DaaS a lucrative choice for enterprises. Additionally, the advent of SOA has reduced the relevance of the specific platform which resides enterprise data to a significant extent and has in turn contributed to the development of DaaS. DaaS is similar to Software as a Service (SaaS) and Storage as a Service (SaaS) models and can be integrated with one or both of these provision models.Therefore, DaaS is providing reducing operational cost and improving workflow process, the DaaS market is expected to observe substantial growth.”
Read more at SBwire.
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