by Angela Guess
A new press release out of Deloitte reports, “More companies in the middle market are embracing emerging technologies as a key element of their business growth strategy, according to a new Deloitte report, ‘Technology in the mid-market-Taking ownership,’ which premieres today. The survey also revealed that CIOs and CTOs are calling more of the shots with technology investments. In fact, respondents indicated that almost half (49 percent) of technology adoption is led by IT department leaders, compared to only 36 percent in 2015. ‘As C-suite attitudes toward technology shift, our clients are expanding the role and influence of IT leadership,’ said Stephen Keathley, deputy chief information officer, Deloitte Services LP and national technology leader of Deloitte Growth Enterprise Services. ‘IT is becoming less of an administrative or support function, and is gaining an important seat at the table, driving technology adoption, integration and strategy’.”
The press release continues, “With more IT leaders setting the technology agenda for their companies: 25 percent of respondents say they have processes in place for exploring emerging technologies, and 19 percent of respondents reported a significantly higher technology spend compared to last year… Companies in this market segment are leveling the playing field with their larger counterparts by harnessing the latest innovations. According to the survey: Nearly 90 percent of respondents use some form of virtual or augmented reality in their business; With 42 percent of companies using demos or interactive tools to help improve employee and customer interactions with products and services. Furthermore, almost all survey respondents indicated they were investigating how to implement the Internet of Things (IoT) in their companies, with more than half of executives noting mature IoT deployments or building their IoT capabilities.”
Read more at PR Newswire.
Photo credit: Deloitte