According to a new press release, The Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative (EWDCI) has launched a certification program aimed at enhancing transparency and ethical practices in the web data collection industry. This consortium, composed of web data collectors, seeks to foster public trust, promote ethical guidelines, and facilitate informed data extraction decisions for businesses and consumers. The program is designed to uphold a higher standard of ethics in data scraping, a practice crucial to a free and open internet. It has been developed collaboratively, involving global stakeholders who contributed insights to shape core principles focusing on legality, ethics, ecosystem engagement, and social responsibility.
Companies involved in web data collection can now apply for the EWDCI Certified designation, signaling their commitment to adhering to these principles and maintaining the highest ethical standards in collecting public web data. This accreditation program serves as a milestone in the ongoing effort to shape data collection practices positively in an industry that is rapidly growing. As AI-driven tools become more data-dependent, the EWDCI aims to influence the development and perception of data collection and aggregation practices to ensure they benefit society.
The Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative’s mission extends beyond certification, as they actively seek public input on various topics related to web data collection. These topics include ethical training of large language models (LLMs) and generative AI models, government access to data, privacy compliance, and measures to prevent tactics that undermine consent and consumer choice. The certification, represented by the EWDCI seal, not only signifies approval but also represents an industry-led effort to create a safer and better free and open internet.
In addition to the Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative, the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) plays a significant role in advocating for sensible policies and best practices within the internet infrastructure sector. They have collaborated on initiatives such as the VPN Trust Initiative, contributing to the establishment and promotion of industry standards and ethical practices in relevant fields.
Read more at News Direct.
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