
Metaphor Demo: The Team-Powered Data Catalog – Harnessing Collective Intelligence and AI for Smarter Data Decisions

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Metaphor empowers teams to contribute to and benefit from a living, evolving data ecosystem. By leveraging collective intelligence—amplified by cutting-edge AI—we enable organizations to achieve unprecedented clarity and agility in their data governance strategies. 

We’ll demonstrate practical applications of our platform, showing you how our customers can intuitively find, understand, and trust the data they need, all within a framework that promotes widespread collaboration and compliance.  

You’ll see:  

  1. Metaphor’s AI-Driven Contextualization: Our AI algorithms enhance data discoverability and contextual relevance, making it easier for users to connect data points and derive meaningful insights. 
  2. Integrated Data Accessibility: Metaphor is built directly into Slack and MS Teams, delivering critical data right where conversations happen, and providing instant answers to any data-related questions. 
  3. Building and Managing Data Products: Metaphor supports data teams in building, managing, and socializing data products efficiently, fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making across the organization. 
  4. Active, Collective Governance: We enable teams to actively participate in data governance, contributing their expertise and annotations to enrich the catalog and maintain data accuracy and relevancy. 
  5. Scalable Data Governance Solutions: Metaphor is designed to grow with your company, adapting to new data challenges and compliance requirements seamlessly, thereby future-proofing your data management strategy. 

We hope to see you at the next DATAVERSITY Demo Day – Data Catalog on October 16, 2024! Register to join us. Check out all upcoming DATAVERSITY Demo Days here.