DATE: October 18, 2023, This event has passed. The recording will be made available On Demand within the next week of the live event.
TIME: 8:00 AM – 10:45 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM – 1:45 PM Eastern
PRICE: Free to all attendees
Welcome to DATAVERSITY Demo Day, an online exhibit hall. We’ve had many requests from our data-driven community for a vendor-driven online event that gives you an opportunity to learn more about the available tools and services directly from the vendors that could contribute to your Data Governance program’s success.
Register to attend one or all of the sessions, or in order to receive the follow-up email with links to the slides and recordings.
Session 1: How Do You Execute Data Governance With Impact? Make It Active!
Active Data Governance transforms a one-and-not-well-done data governance process into a continuous improvement cycle. A data intelligence platform can automate governance processes, support emerging disciplines like DataOps, and proactively mitigate risk while reducing the pressure of data stewardship.
Join this demo to learn:
- How Alation’s Active Data Governance approach focuses on delivering value to all employees, not just the data experts
- How the Alation Data Governance App centrally automates and manages policies, workflow,stewardship activities
- Why a platform approach is ideal for complex data environments, whether it’s on-prem, in the cloud, orhybrid
Session 2: Driving Value Across Teams – Modern Data Governance Requirements
Data governance solutions are now a business imperative – but modern demands are requiring integrated capabilities to discover, understand, track, and measure data integrity across many different functions in your organization. See a demo of how the Precisely Data Integrity Suite’s Data Governance module delivers exponential value through a single solution for all data users and consumers across a typical business problem:
- Business Owners: Easily understand data relationship to business objectives, metrics, and request new actions
- Data Stewards: See new data element alerts to profile and add contextual details, review needed data quality rules, lineage, and impact and pro-actively monitor data changes over time
- Data Engineers: Receive assigned tasks for new data replication requests
- Data Analysts: Receive assigned task and connection details to create data quality pipelines and enrich data
Session 3: Modern Data Governance – How to Improve Business Results With Automation and AI
Currently, half of enterprises are digital businesses and over half of data leaders list data governance as their number one priority. This isn’t a surprise given the following requires a modern approach with high scalability:
- Meeting risk and compliance standards
- Improving data literacy with responsible data sharing
- Maintaining high-quality pipelines with data observability
Discover how data producers, data stewards and data consumers can collaborate better to improve business results with automation and AI-powered data governance. Join our live demo to learn:
- How to get more value from data with automation and AI
- Three core pillars of data governance
- Best practices to enhance data trust and scalability
Session 4: Using Solidatus’ Data Blueprints to Span the IT and Business Divide and Achieve Connected Governance
For too long, IT and business have struggled to understand one another – speaking different languages, unknowingly misaligning on goals, and despite best efforts often failing to achieve needed outcomes without considerable churn. In today’s fast-paced, data-driven world, the stakes are too high for the status quo. This session explores how leading organizations use Solidatus to align business and technical teams to achieve objectives faster and better than ever before.
We’ll show you how:
- Solidatus facilitates and simplifies communication and understanding between technology and business teams.
- Business and IT professionals can collaborate on a single platform that contextually aligns the business and technology domains.
- Solidatus is used to document and annotate proposed and approved changes, share insights, and communicate seamlessly via an Enterprise Data Blueprint for tackling complex changes, including regulatory.
- Users can rapidly assess the impact of business changes on data & technology to assess risk, consider dependencies, and drive an informed strategy.
- Solidatus promotes a common data language across business-to-business and business-to-tech teams, reducing ambiguity.
- Solidatus reduces costs and addresses issues like Shadow IT that result in even further disconnected teams and misalignment.
- Solidatus fast tracks essential data governance across your organization