by Angela Guess
A recent press release reports, “Metadata discovery software vendor Silwood Technology Ltd has announced the availability of GDPR Starter Packs for two major application packages – JD Edwards and Siebel – enabling users to quickly and simply identify the precise location of Personal Data. The GDPR Starter Packs are underpinned by Safyr®, a dedicated metadata discovery software, which enables users to access, understand, share and utilise the underlying data structures for all major application packages, including JD Edwards and Siebel. Research conducted recently by Silwood Technology demonstrated the scale of the challenge encountered by users when locating personal data for GDPR compliance. For instance, within a typical Siebel system, when searching for personal data, users will be faced with approximately 5,000 tables and 170,000 fields. Similarly, JD Edwards contains 5,000 tables and 140,000 fields.”
Nick Porter, founder and technical director at Silwood Technology, commented, “While we are less than 70 days from the GDPR deadline, we believe that there are many enterprises still at planning stage. Unfortunately, the location of personal information in a large application package is regarded as a significant and tedious task. And it’s not a one-time job – companies will need to revisit the discovery task whenever the data structure of a package like JD Edwards or Siebel changes. That’s not an unusual occurrence – the manufacturers of these packages often introduce new tables and columns with new releases, and customers often customize their own systems to add fields needed to support features that are specific to their business.”
Read more at TechWorld.
Photo credit: Silwood Technology