
A Brief History of Data Management

Data Management is the organization of data, the steps used to achieve efficiency, and gather business intelligence from that data. Data Management, as a concept, began in the 1960s, with ADAPSO (the Association of Data Processing Service Organizations) forwarding Data Management advice, with an emphasis on professional training and quality assurance metrics. Data management has […]

A Brief History of Database Management

A database management system (DBMS) allows a person to organize, store, and retrieve data from a computer. It is a way of communicating with a computer’s “stored memory.” In the very early years of computers, “punch cards” were used for input, output, and data storage. Punch cards offered a fast way to enter data and […]

Micro Focus Celebrates COBOL’s 60th Anniversary and its Enduring Value with COBOL60

A recent press release reports, “Micro Focus today commenced its COBOL60 activities, celebrating the continued relevance of information technology’s most enduring business language. Known for its innovation, portability, readability and business-centricity, COBOL has continually expanded and adapted to support new technologies and business demands. Created in 1959 as a U.S Department of Defense project to […]