The process of data classification can be broadly described as the organization of data into relevant categories, allowing it to be accessed and protected more efficiently. In the simplest terms, the data classification process ranks data based on its security needs and makes it easier to locate and retrieve data. Classification is especially useful to […]
Women in Data: Meet Classification Guru Susan Walsh
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we’re kicking off a new Q&A series with women leaders in data. Our first installment features Susan Walsh, aka the Classification Guru. Susan Walsh didn’t always aspire to be a data classification expert. But after spending a decade honing her data skills – cleaning and classifying erroneous data – she […]
Why Your Enterprise Needs Data-Centric Cybersecurity (and How to Achieve It)
Hardly a week goes by without news of another cybercrime. A recent example is the MOVEit breach, in which hackers stole data from customers of the MOVEit file transfer service. Between May and August, at least 600 organizations and 40 million users fell victim – with no apparent end in sight. One reason for the parade […]
Data Classification Can Make or Break Data Governance
The cost of data loss is staggering – and avoidable. The news these days is full of massive fines levied against companies that failed to protect their customer data. An effective data classification approach is one of the best ways to ensure that companies can identify and protect their most valuable data. Our experience continues to […]
Data Governance Without Security Leaves Sensitive Data Exposed
“Data Governance” is such an interesting term. As data started becoming more critical to business in the last few years, this idea was introduced to define the business processes necessary to comply with regulatory requirements. But even more recently, heightened regulatory attention with GDPR and CCPA in 2018, persistent PII data breaches, and data centralization across enterprises have created […]
The “Actionable” Metadata
Click to learn more about author Anand Govindarajan. During the days of building data warehouses and BI systems, all that was captured, as truly “metadata,” was the data about creation/access of the data structures for audits, data about the execution of data loads, and so on. Primarily, whatever supported the “operations” of the data warehouse. […]
Data Architects, It’s Time to Improve Your Data Classification
Team Data — data architects in particular, whatever their official title may be — have a job to do. That is to take more aggressive steps to protect data assets on behalf of customers and constituents. The responsibility falls to data architects because few in most organizations are thinking about protecting data from the data […]
Netwrix to Introduce Its Data Classification Platform
According to a recent press release, “Netwrix, a vendor of data security and governance software, announced today the newest addition to its product portfolio, Netwrix Data Classification. This platform, which is built on technology from Netwrix’s acquisition of Concept Searching, empowers organizations to ensure their data benefits the organization, and is handled effectively, by automatically […]
DB CyberTech Launches Intelligent Structured Data Classification to Identify PII
According to a new press release, “DB CyberTech, a pioneer in machine learning based predictive data loss prevention, today announced advanced data classification for structured data as a new capability integrated across their security and compliance products. DB CyberTech’s intelligent data classification utilizes natural language processing to continuously and accurately identify an organization’s high-value sensitive […]
DB CyberTech Launches GDPR Continuous Monitoring Solution
A recent press release reports, “DB CyberTech, a pioneer in machine learning based predictive data loss prevention, today announced advanced data classification for structured data as a new capability of their security and privacy platform. This new capability supports compliance with EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). DB CyberTech’s advanced data classification utilizes natural language […]