
Data-Driven Decision-Making 101

Data-driven decision-making involves utilizing data and analytics to solve business problems. Relying on facts rather than intuition or personal opinions can lead to more accurate and effective decisions.   In business organizations, evidence-based decisions can optimize operations, enhance productivity, and drive growth. By examining trends, patterns, and correlations within datasets, business operators can uncover valuable information that helps […]

Maximizing IT Investments and Enhancing End-User Experience with Data

In an age defined by data-driven decision-making, where 91.9% of organizations have already leveraged analytics to enhance their operations, a question remains: What if there were even more sources of untapped data, capable of helping businesses increase the quality of the end-user experience and elevating the functionality of systems, applications, and cloud investments within their business? This is […]

Why You Should Invest in Digital Transformation During Tough Economic Times

After grappling with an unprecedented global pandemic, the world finds itself navigating more uncertain times with rising inflation, historically high interest rates, and the U.S. wavering on the brink of another recession.  With these uncertain times, CEOs are confronted with difficult decisions – such as where can we cut costs, and how can we reallocate resources to […]

5 Ways to Use Data to Make Workplace Decisions

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, decision-making has shifted from relying on gut instinct and the loudest voice in the room to data-driven approaches. In this article, we will explore five powerful ways to harness data for making informed decisions in the workplace, offer practical insights to boost productivity, and explain how to adapt to […]

A Data-Driven Approach to Targeting Loyalists and Switchers

Today’s streaming wars continue to make headlines as the major services report subscriber wins and losses amid a period of business model reinvention. For example, while Netflix recently reported steady customer growth – including for its new ad-supported plan – Disney+ saw the loss of 4 million subscribers and Warner Bros. Discovery’s subscriber numbers fell short of analyst estimates.  […]