
Evaluating Data Lakes vs. Data Warehouses

While data lakes and data warehouses are both important Data Management tools, they serve very different purposes. If you’re trying to determine whether you need a data lake, a data warehouse, or possibly even both, you’ll want to understand the functionality of each tool and their differences. This article will highlight the differences between each and how […]

3 Vital Concerns for Companies Running Hybrid-Cloud Environments

The benefits of the cloud – reduced capital expenditures, greater IT flexibility, business efficiency, competitive advantage – are compelling. So much so that, not so long ago, people were predicting organizations would move their entire computing infrastructure to the cloud, and nothing would be left on-premises. It, of course, never happened. Instead, organizations have embraced […]

Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Need Self-Serve Advanced Analytics

If your small or medium-sized business (SMB) is looking for ways to improve forecasting, problem-solving, and market opportunities, it must embrace self-service advanced analytics that allow business users to leverage their role, their knowledge of their business function, and their collaborative initiatives to gather, analyze, and share information and improve business results.  According to Gartner, natural […]

How to Start Using AI at Your Company

So you want to start using AI at your company. Now what?  First, evaluate if it has an appropriate place in your company. Many organizations hire a data scientist or an entire AI team with an anticipation of a fast, massive, magical gain. Even though by now most people realize that these expectations are naive, […]