
A Brief History of Master Data

Master data is generally described as essential business data about people, places, and things. Master Data Management or MDM describes a system for managing the data, which is different than the actual data. Master data is not typically transactional data, but in some situations transactional data can be treated as master data. For instance, if […]

Graph Databases in the Spotlight

Graph databases are distinguished by relationships. Users can query, for example, the connections that relate a customer to an account that he or she owns, or how many degrees of separation exist between Kevin Bacon and Audrey Hepburn. Ontologies are a key underpinning, providing a data model to describe things in a database. Metadata and […]

Designing an Efficient Hybrid Cloud Solution

Adopting a hybrid cloud philosophy can provide businesses with the opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. A hybrid cloud is the concept of working with both an on-premise private cloud and various public clouds. While cost reduction is a primary goal, businesses also benefit from gaining a flexible IT infrastructure and significant scalability. The tools […]