Ask any enterprise employee what they need most, and they are likely to say “time.” With limited resources and budgets, your team members are being asked to do more with less and to get it all done on time and on budget. If you take the time to ask a follow-up question, you will likely find that your employees need tools and business processes that make their lives easier. They need support to get the job done so they can meet those deadlines your management team has imposed. If you would like to achieve a competitive advantage and support your team members with the tools, processes, and technology they need to meet deadlines with less frustration and rework, you might consider the advantages of embedded BI.
A recent Forbes article included this memorable line: “Adopting new technology to synthesize data is a challenge in the short term, but it gives companies a competitive advantage in the long term.” As self-serve augmented analytics evolves, business users are becoming more comfortable with data analytics, but the solutions they use to report and gain insight can often be restrictive silos that do not allow them to easily gather and analyze information. Embedded BI can help.
What Is Embedded BI?
Embedded BI – also known as embedded analytics – is a data analysis solution that is embedded within a software app, portal, or website. Team members can access analytics using a single sign-on environment that allows them to sign into the application they wish to use and, from within that application, use data analytics to gain insight into the data contained within that application. Embedded BI helps businesses to deliver integrated reports, dashboards, models, data visualization, graphs, and other business intelligence and augmented analytics functionalities and features within one interface.
How Does Embedded BI Save Time and Avoid Frustration?
If your team members want to find information and analyze that data, they would normally have to sign into the solution, software, or app where the data resides and then move that data to another location for analysis. If a user wants to combine data elements and understand relationships, they must either ask IT or a data scientist to create a custom report, or extract and manipulate data in a spreadsheet. With embedded BI, team members can log in to a popular software solution and use augmented analytical features within that system to analyze data. Embedded BI leverages integration APIs so users can access features of analytics. By incorporating true analytics within familiar software solutions, the business can provide easy-to-use tools and an interface that will help users cut through the noise and complete the tasks they must complete in a timely, accurate fashion, without frustration.