
What Is Data Visualization?

Data visualization describes the shape of information formed in a graph depicting a particular context.  Data visualizations contain contextual information (the metadata) and the actual data, making the information more straightforward for people to process and analyze. According to DAMA-DMBoK2, data visualizations cover traditional BI tools like “tables, pie charts, line charts, area charts, bar […]

Computing: A Human Activity!

Click to learn more about author Thomas Frisendal. I started at the University of Copenhagen in 1969. My professor was Peter Naur. He was in many ways an unusual man and a deep thinker. It is only now in recent years that I realize how much he influenced my thinking. 1969 was his second year […]

Six Different Ways to Drill

Click to learn more about author Mike Brody. Thought leaders typically discuss business intelligence in the abstract or in terms of business benefits, but I want to take a moment to drill in (pun most definitely intended) on drilldowns. They’re one of the most useful and beloved BI features. Who doesn’t appreciate being able to click […]

Blockchain – Old Wine in a New Bottle?

Click to learn more about author Kasu Sista. Let us look at the fundamental technologies that are involved in Blockchain and what they do: Block, is a block of storage that is stuffed with transactions. Every database uses the same technology. Chain, is a doubly linked list. One of the first known data structures and […]

Ways to Optimize your SQL Database

Click to learn more about author Chirag Thumar. Structured Query Language or SQL is considered the standard language for database management systems used to correspond with a database, either to update on or retrieve data from a database. The SQL is very simple to run and user-efficient, as the commands have a simple syntax. But then, the efficiency of the SQL […]