
A Primer to Optimizing Your Apache Cassandra Compaction Strategy

When setting up an Apache Cassandra table schema and anticipating how you’ll use the table, it’s a best practice to simultaneously formulate a thoughtful compaction strategy. While a Cassandra table’s compaction strategy can be adjusted after its creation, doing so invites costly cluster performance penalties because Cassandra will need to rewrite all of that table’s data. Taking […]

The Future of Database Management Systems

As the amount of data generated globally grows exponentially, data-driven businesses are increasingly turning to more innovative database management systems to store, manage, and process all that data. This article provides an overview of database management, how it has evolved – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic – and the future of database management systems.  What Is […]

Measuring Data Consistency

Measuring data consistency can tell a researcher how valuable and useful their data is. However, the term “data consistency” can be confusing. There are three versions of it. When the term is applied to databases, it describes data consistency within the database. When used with computing strategies, data consistency is focused on the use of […]

Data Modeling Tools

Data Modeling tools assist in creating a data model. Data Modeling was initially the process of creating a framework within a database that allowed data to be stored and researched using the data’s relationships. However, the term “Data Modeling” has expanded to include software engineering. A well-designed database (or app) makes the system more efficient, reduces […]

Advances in Data Warehouses

Data warehouses have advanced in the past few years, adding multiple enhancements and new capabilities. A data warehouse stores business data from a variety of applications and databases. It acts as a single repository, which an organization can access with BI (business intelligence) and analytics tools, before making decisions. A data warehouse provides faster processing […]