
Qt Introduces Qt for Python to Greatly Simplify the Creation of Immersive User Interfaces

According to a recent press release, “Qt today introduced Qt for Python to substantially simplify the creation of innovative and immersive user interfaces for Python applications. With Qt for Python, developers can quickly and easily visualize the massive amounts of data tied to their Python development projects, in addition to gaining access to Qt’s world-class […]

Revisiting the Data Science Suitcase

Click to learn more about author Steve Miller. Two years ago, I wrote a blog entitled “What Size is Your Suitcase?” in which I recounted a holiday shopping “dilemma” my wife and I experienced  as we purchased mutual gift suitcases. The muddle revolved on which size bags to buy – large ones that could handle […]

Looker Accelerates and Simplifies Data Science Workflows

A new press release reports, “Looker, a leading data platform company, today announced tools and integrations that optimize data science workflows. Looker accelerates the data science stack by removing the struggle to prepare data and freeing up time for data scientists to use their unique skill set to perform higher-value tasks. Looker already delivers reliable, […]

Data Science Collaboration: How to Centralize Data Science to Power Organizations

Domino Data Lab provides a Data Science platform that empowers organizations to drive their business through the use of predictive models. The platform accelerates breakthrough research and increases collaboration and productivity of data scientists. The company was founded in 2013 and is based in San Francisco. Organizations can use Domino Data Lab on-premises or in […]

Methodically Reproducible Data in 2018

Click to learn more about author Steve Miller. I generally establish a theme to my involvement early on when I attend Strata Data. Missing only last year, I’ve been witness to Strata’s large breadth of topics. The last few years have included deep dives into the then new Spark platform and iPython notebook (now Jupyter […]

SAS, R, and Python for Analytics

Click to learn more about author Steve Miller. I did a short consulting gig last year with a company that was building an analytic app driven largely from a web-based data repository. The data were stored as a collection of SAS data sets which “customers” would subset by uploading SAS data step and proc SQL […]