
SQL Support for UML Associations

Click to learn more about author Michael Blaha. The UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a popular Data Modeling notation that arose from the programming community, but it is also applicable to databases. The UML has a variety of models, one of which is the class model. The UML class model is essentially just a dialect […]

Enterprises Move to Graph Databases

Graph databases continue to make their move into mainstream enterprise operations, providing a good reason for big name vendors to have planted their flags in the space and for one leader in the arena, Neo4j, to be enjoying strong growth among large business customers. As of January the vendor continues to hold the top spot […]

SQL versus NoSQL Databases: A Review of Key Themes

Non-relational databases (aka NoSQL), in many different variations, have become a popular database model for handling Big Data. They use two novel concepts, making them different from earlier, “classical” database models. The concepts having so much impact are horizontal scaling, spreading out the storage and work, and eliminating the use of “Structured Query Language” (SQL) […]

The Data Warehouse: From the Past to the Present

Bill Inmon, the “Father of Data Warehousing,” defines a Data Warehouse (DW) as, “a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision making process.” In his white paper, Modern Data Architecture, Inmon adds that the Data Warehouse represents “conventional wisdom” and is now a standard part of the corporate infrastructure. […]

Introduction to: SPARQL

SPARQL is the standardized query language for RDF, the same way SQL is the standardized query language for relational databases. If this is the first time you look at SPARQL, but you’re familiar with SQL, you will see some similarities because it shares several keywords such as SELECT, WHERE, etc. It also has new keywords that you have never seen if […]