
How to Start Using AI at Your Company

So you want to start using AI at your company. Now what?  First, evaluate if it has an appropriate place in your company. Many organizations hire a data scientist or an entire AI team with an anticipation of a fast, massive, magical gain. Even though by now most people realize that these expectations are naive, […]

Integrated Deployment – Deploying an AutoML Application with Guided Analytics

Welcome to our collection of articles on the topic of integrated deployment, where we focus on solving the challenges around productionizing Data Science. So far, in this collection we have introduced the topic of integrated deployment, discussed the topics of continuous deployment and automated machine learning, and presented the autoML verified component.  In today’s article, we would like to […]

5 Ways Data Can Help Save the Planet

A sustainable and equitable world is the holy grail – a world in which planet comes before profit; where equality, diversity, and inclusion are a prerequisite; and where ethics are baked into every aspect of our society and business.   While this may seem like decades away from becoming a reality, there is hope.  If the UN […]

Five Ways Decision Intelligence Helps Accelerate Data-Driven Decision-Making

With 2022 well underway, many businesses are deploying new data-driven strategies and models to promote growth, accelerate digital transformation, and increase operational efficiency. However, to maximize success, enterprise leaders must incorporate decision intelligence and data-driven insights into their decision-making processes.  Decision intelligence is an approach that can help ease the burden of data analysis and […]