
Data Virtualization Use Cases

Data virtualization, in a nutshell, utilizes data integration without replication. In this process, a single “virtual” data layer is created to provide data services to multiple users and applications at the same time. Why Data Virtualization Is a Necessity for Enterprises explains how data virtualization helps tackle data movement challenges by making a virtual dataset […]

Smart AI Means Smart Data Prep

Every company wants to put artificial intelligence (AI) to work. Its potential seems limitless. Big business benefits at the snap of a finger. But then reality hits: the value that AI can deliver isn’t easy. Even IBM, a pioneer in the early age of AI (or AI’s rebirth if you want to trace it back […]

How Mature is Your Data Preparation?

Click to learn more about author Farnaz Erfan. The traction for self-service data prep initially started in the context of business analytics as a productivity and enablement tool for an analyst who is developing insights. However, as Gartner recently pointed out, the market has now evolved to use cases that require platform capabilities such as […]