
Mission Critical: Dispatch on Safeguarding Government Data

Personal data has emerged as a coveted asset, drawing attention not just from corporate establishments, but also from foreign actors. This interest has sparked a significant challenge – the legal sale of data to overseas entities, raising concerns about the implications for civilians and military personnel alike. The recent initiative by President Biden underscores the criticality of […]

MDM vs. CDP: Which Does Your Organization Need?

Most, if not all, organizations need help utilizing the data collected from various sources efficiently, thanks to the ever-evolving enterprise data management landscape. Often, the reasons include:   1. Data is collected and stored in siloed systems 2. Different verticals or departments own different types of data 3. Inconsistent data quality across the organization Implementing a central […]

Granularity Is the True Data Advantage

Commerce today runs on data – guiding product development, improving operational efficiency, and personalizing the customer experience. However, many organizations fall into the trap of thinking that more data means more sales, when these two factors aren’t directly correlated. Often, executives will become overzealous in their digital transformations and cut blank checks for data collection, […]

Mind the Gap: The Data Chasm

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Mind the Gap, a monthly column exploring practical approaches for improving data understanding and data utilization (and whatever else seems interesting enough to share). This month, we start not with a gap but with a chasm – one that’s at the core of a bewildering paradox. We continue to see […]

The Rise of Augmented Analytics: Combining AI with BI for Enhanced Data Insights

Businesses today are drowning in data. The sheer volume and complexity of information available have made it increasingly difficult for organizations to extract meaningful insights using traditional business intelligence (BI) tools and the expertise of specialized data scientists. This is where augmented analytics comes in. This game-changing technology combines the power of artificial intelligence (AI) […]