
Creating a Data Monetization Strategy

A data monetization strategy is an executable plan for extracting “value” from data and converting it into revenue-generating opportunities. It involves analyzing and leveraging data to uncover insights that can be used to drive business growth, enhance customer experiences, and create new revenue streams.  Organizations collect large volumes of raw data from various sources such […]

The Drive Toward the Autonomous Enterprise Is a Key Focus for IT Leaders in 2024

According to Gartner, 80% of executives see automation as a vital thread that supports informed business decisions. And they’re right. In today’s business landscape, automation has transcended a mere “nice-to-have” and become a fundamental driver of organizational success. It’s not just transforming tasks but reshaping businesses from the inside out. Enhanced resilience, richer customer experiences, and a sharper […]

Demonstrating the Value of Data Governance

As organizations strive to become more data-driven, they increasingly recognize the importance of Data Governance (DG), a business program supporting harmonized data activities. However, business leaders, colleagues, and workers often express confusion about DG policies and need clarity around its value. This article tackles this issue by exploring the top 10 ways for effectively articulating the value […]

DAS Webinar: Building a Data Strategy — Practical Steps for Aligning with Business Goals

Download the slides here >> About the Webinar Developing a Data Strategy for your organization can seem like a daunting task, but it’s worth the effort. Getting your Data Strategy right can provide significant value, as data drives many of the key initiatives in today’s marketplace – from digital transformation to marketing to customer centricity, […]

Facing a Big Data Blank Canvas: How CxOs Can Avoid Getting Lost in Data Modeling Concepts

The volume of data now available to businesses continues to grow exponentially. When looking to extract valuable insights into their business’s performance, C-level executives (CxOs) must navigate the big data blank canvas. This requires a strategic approach, in which CxOs should define business objectives, prioritize data quality, leverage technology, build a data-driven culture, collaborate with […]