
What Is a Database Management System (DBMS)?

A database management system (DBMS) describes a collection of multiple software services that work together to store, compute, maintain, structure, and deliver the data as part of a product. This platform also provides metadata, a system of data labeling, so that engineers and users can understand and map what entities and properties are available and their […]

Baffle Announces Enterprise-Grade Data Security for PostgreSQL

According to a new press release, Baffle has introduced enterprise-grade data security for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and Amazon Aurora, addressing the need for organizations to maintain compliance with privacy regulations while handling sensitive data across locations. Traditional methods like transparent data encryption (TDE) are no longer sufficient, especially with the evolving demands […]

What Is Data Privacy? Definition, Benefits, Use Cases

Data privacy describes a set of principles and guidelines to ensure the respectful processing, protection, and handling of sensitive data linked to a person. This concept ties to who can define, observe, use, and control a person’s information and how. Typically, privacy spans two types of levels: implicit rules and written legislation. Implicit rules cover norms, behaviors, and values […]

How In-Database Machine Learning Transforms Decision-Making

In the contemporary landscape of data-driven decision-making, enterprises are increasingly turning to predictive analytics to gain valuable insights into future trends and behaviors. Predictive analytics involves extracting patterns from historical data to forecast future outcomes, enabling organizations to make proactive decisions and optimize their operations. Traditionally, predictive analytics has been performed using standalone machine learning […]

Graph Databases: Benefits and Best Practices

Graph databases have improved significantly since the 1990s, with new developments and a better realization of best practices. Graph technology has become one of the most popular methods of performing big data research. Its focus on finding relationships and its flexibility make it ideal for a variety of research projects. An awareness of new developments […]