
Data Architect vs. Data Engineer

Data careers are becoming increasingly important and popular all across the globe, simply because “data” is the new currency of the data economy. The pandemic gave the needed push to accelerate the digital transformation of global businesses, and currently, the primary market differentiator is an enterprise’s data infrastructure readiness. This data infrastructure comprises systems, processes, […]

A Brief History of Database Management

A database management system (DBMS) allows a person to organize, store, and retrieve data from a computer. It is a way of communicating with a computer’s “stored memory.” In the very early years of computers, “punch cards” were used for input, output, and data storage. Punch cards offered a fast way to enter data and […]

A Brief History of Data Silos

The original purpose of a data silo was to keep secrets. People have been keeping secrets for a long, long time. Prior to the written word, keeping a secret meant not sharing specific information with anyone else, verbally. And then came the written word. Secrets could be shared accidentally, or even stolen. Life became more […]

So You Want to be a Big Data Analyst?

With the increasing use of big data by organizations in every field, the need for big data analysts will continue to grow. Big data analysts examine vast amounts of varied data. They uncover hidden patterns, customer preferences, and market trends. One of the primary differences between a big data analyst and a data scientist is […]