
Data Scarcity Challenges? Enter Generative AI

Data has been one of the most important talking points in business for the last few years, with good reason. The more data available and harnessed, the easier it is for companies to do everything from building products that solve real-world problems to enhancing marketing efforts effectively and identifying trends and patterns. Yet, laws and […]

How Generative AI Will Transform Business

Generative AI – specifically ChatGPT – has taken the world by storm. From writing about AI in a Shakespearean style to basic programming, ChatGPT promises to disrupt existing workflows and reengineer daily life. In the meantime, companies face another revolution with generative AI. They can remove all the data fed to ChatGPT, then replace it with a company’s […]

Is Data the Achilles Heel of AI?

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Add this 21st-century irrefutable fact: The world can’t live without data. With its numbers, characters, facts, and statistics – the operations performed, stored, and analyzed – data has become an irreplaceable facet of daily life.  We use data to identify strengths and weaknesses. It helps […]

How Intelligent Enterprise Software Is Transforming Business Processes

Between OpenAI’s research release of its language model ChatGPT and Microsoft’s inclusion of an embedded (and still improving) artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot in its Bing search engine, it’s impossible to escape news about the rise of AI. Of course, these new AI tools are simply the most recent customer-facing applications after decades of development across various computing […]

A Powerful Pair: Modern Data Warehouses and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies like machine learning (ML) have changed how we handle and process data. However, AI adoption isn’t simple. Most companies utilize AI only for the tiniest fraction of their data because scaling AI is challenging. Typically, enterprises cannot harness the power of predictive analytics because they don’t have a fully mature data strategy. To […]

What Architecture Can Teach Us About Self-Healing Systems

DevOps teams and site reliability engineers (SREs) deal with code daily. Doing so teaches them to scrutinize their world, make astute observations, and draw unexpected connections. After all, although highly logical and mathematical in nature, software development is, at least in part, art form.  Unconvinced by that statement? Consider the parallels between history’s most remarkable […]

A Brief History of Semantics

As a word, “semantics” was first used by Michel Bréal, a French philologist (a language historian),in 1883. He studied how languages are organized, how languages change as time passes, and the connections within languages. Gen erally speaking, semantics is the study of language and its meaning.  More specifically, semantics can be used to describe how […]

Trends in Data Governance in 2023: Maturation Toward a Service Model

Companies increasingly want to mature their Data Governance, the formal Data Management capabilities around its value as a service, in 2023. That way, organizations can respond to an uncertain business environment quickly and flexibly. While Kelle O’Neal, founder and CEO of the data consulting firm First San Francisco Partners, first identified this need for Data Governance as a […]