
What Is Data Strategy and Why Do You Need It?

With the increasing amount of data available, businesses need to have a clear, enterprise-wide plan on how to collect, analyze, and use data to make informed decisions. A well-laid-out plan or “Data Strategy” can help businesses identify gaps and take corrective actions to improve operations, enhance customer experience, and drive growth.  A strong Data Strategy can also […]

Developing a Data Strategy Template

Organizations want a solid and usable Data Strategy template – a well-thought-out plan for a set of decisions that form a pattern, charting a high-level course of action – but face challenges. For example, only 30% of companies have impactful data strategies that align with some operations, resulting in wasted investments in improving analytics and business insights. Instead, most […]

Why Good Data Management Matters Now More Than Ever

In the early days of business analysis and underwriting, data was managed with simply a pen and paper and, of course, Excel spreadsheets. As technology has advanced, databases, warehouses, and data lakes have enabled information to be collected, stored, and managed electronically. But as businesses have rapidly increased the volume, velocity, and variety of data […]

Data Strategy Best Practices

Data Strategy, the master plan or blueprint for confronting day-to-day business challenges and meeting pre-defined business goals using data, has gained significant traction. More companies are seeing the connection between following Data Strategy best practices and boosting profit. Gartner estimates that 50% of financial planning and analytics leaders will take charge of developing and refining their Data Strategy. Moreover, […]

Developing a Cloud Migration Strategy

Cloud migration involves moving an organization’s data, applications, digital services, databases, and other IT resources to the cloud environment. A cloud migration strategy contains the blueprint for making this move happen. According to Gartner, more than 45% of IT spending will shift from traditional data-processing platforms to the cloud by 2024. This observation reaffirms the cloud platform’s popularity as […]

Why CIOs Should Invest in Business Automation

In an increasingly challenging economic environment, it’s essential that chief information officers (CIOs) take a thoughtful approach to investing capital. The 2023 Gartner® CIO and Technology Executive Survey found that more than half of digital initiatives lag behind leadership expectations, with 59% reporting the initiatives take too long to complete and 52% reporting the initiatives take too […]