
Adaptive Data Governance: What, Why, How

In DATAVERSITY’s 2023 Trends in Data Management survey, about 64% of participants stated that their companies had Data Governance (DG), the formalization and enforcement of data operations across the company, in the initial stages. Yet, 60.9% listed data silos as the greatest Data Management challenge. If DG is supposed to break down data silos for better insights while ensuring compliance […]

A Brief History of Data Quality

The term “Data Quality” focuses primarily on the level of accuracy possessed by the data, but also includes other qualities such as accessibility and usefulness. Some data isn’t accurate at all, which, in turn, promotes bad decision-making. Some organizations promote fact-checking and Data Governance, and, as a consequence, make decisions that give them an advantage. […]

MDM vs. CDP: Which Does Your Organization Need?

Most, if not all, organizations need help utilizing the data collected from various sources efficiently, thanks to the ever-evolving enterprise data management landscape. Often, the reasons include: 1) Data is collected and stored in siloed systems; 2) Different verticals or departments own different types of data; 3) Inconsistent data quality across the organization. Implementing a central […]

Granularity Is the True Data Advantage

Commerce today runs on data – guiding product development, improving operational efficiency, and personalizing the customer experience. However, many organizations fall into the trap of thinking that more data means more sales, when these two factors aren’t directly correlated. Often, executives will become overzealous in their digital transformations and cut blank checks for data collection, […]

Data Discovery 101

Data discovery deals with extracting useful information from data and presenting it in a visual format that is easily understood. The types of useful information discovered during the process range from finding patterns in human behavior to gaining insights about data glitches to answering highly specific business questions. Using data taken from a variety of […]

Mind the Gap: The Data Chasm

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Mind the Gap, a monthly column exploring practical approaches for improving data understanding and data utilization (and whatever else seems interesting enough to share). This month, we start not with a gap but with a chasm – one that’s at the core of a bewildering paradox. We continue to see […]

Data Governance Metrics: How to Measure Success

The use of Data Governance metrics as a measurement system promotes the efficient use and management of data.  Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) is normally the first step in monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of a Data Governance program. These indicators allow organizations to assess and adjust their Data Governance strategies. A measurement system allows […]

What Is Data Privacy? Definition, Benefits, Use Cases

Data privacy describes a set of principles and guidelines to ensure the respectful processing, protection, and handling of sensitive data linked to a person. This concept ties to who can define, observe, use, and control a person’s information and how. Typically, privacy spans two types of levels: implicit rules and written legislation. Implicit rules cover norms, behaviors, and values […]